Spelling out its stand on the issue of homosexuality, Delhi police today said that it can only intervene if it receives a complaint about a non-consensual encounter but it does not "snoop into" people's private and personal affairs.
"Our position is very clear. Unless we get a complaint of non-consensual, this kind of sexual offence, we do not initiate legal action which has not been defined in section 377 of IPC," said Joint Commissioner of Police (South-Western range) Tajendra Luthra.
"It is only when somebody complains that we have to initiate the action. Otherwise, our legal position is very clear that if it is consensual, we do not snoop into people's private and personal affairs," he said.
In a big blow to the LGBT community, the Supreme Court had yesterday set aside the landmark high court judgment decriminalising gay sex and threw the ball in Parliament's court for amending law.