The Delhi police today told a fast track court that they cannot direct IGNOU to provide a copy of the examination schedule for BA first year to one of the accused in the December 16 gangrape case.
Special Public Prosecutor Dayan Krishnan filed a reply on behalf of Delhi police saying "this matter does not relate to police".
The reply from the police came on a plea filed by Vinay Sharma, one of the four accused being tried for gangraping a 23-year-old girl in a moving bus, seeking the schedule of examination.
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In its reply, Krishnan also told the court that the concerned Station House Officer cannot be directed to go to the varsity and collect the schedule as the matter is between the accused and the university.
"How can we go and collect the exam schedule"? Krishnan said, adding the family members have full right to go and collect the exam schedule.
The court had yesterday asked the police to file its response to the plea filed by Vinay who had said the university was not giving out the schedule, making it "difficult" for him to prepare for his exams".
Meanwhile, the court today also turned down the request of counsel M L Sharma, appearing for Mukesh, seeking exemption from his personal appearance for tomorrow.
Sharma moved an exemption application saying he has another important case to appear in and he be allowed the exemption.
The judge, however, said, "I am not concerned with the request... I am not here to make adjournment.