Kerala Police today told the Kerala High Court that it was willing to seek the assistance of CBI to trace Swami Raghavendra Theertha, former deputy pontiff of Kashi Math, who reportedly went missing.
According to the prosecution, despite probe by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) whereabouts of the seer, who is alleged to have decamped with 'Salagramams' (sacred black stones) and other relics from the math in Varanasi, could not be traced.
They claimed to have conducted thorough searches in three states but Swami Raghavendra, who was involved in a dispute with senior pontiff and Kashi Math head Swami Sudheendra Theertha over the right to be pontiff, could not be located.
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Considering the case, Justice V Chitambaresh directed the Director General of Prosecution (DGP) to file a statement in this regard.
The proceedings were initiated on the basis of a petition filed by Swami Sudheendra alleging inefficiency of police in tracing Swami Raghavendra who is alleged to have also taken with him precious ornaments that were being worshipped at the Kashi math for centuries.
Swami Sudheendra is the spiritual leader of the Gowda Saraswat Brahmins and Swami Raghavendra was relieved of his discipleship in 2000.
The ornaments and idols of the Kashi Math were in the possession of Swami Raghavendra.
The Kerala High Court had earlier directed the police to trace Swami Raghavendra and produce him before the court following a habeas corpus petition in this regard by the followers of Swami Sudheendra.