In a bid to curb cases of corruption within the force, Delhi Police today made it clear to the public it did not have any power to stop unauthorised contructions until they have orders from municipal authority.
"We have issued a circular in this regard. We want to create awareness among general public that there is no inherent authority with police officials to stop any unauthorised construction on their own," Delhi Police commissioner B S Bassi said.
In the past, there have been some reports that police officials allegedly take bribe from the people to allow illegal construction.
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"SHO of respected areas can only stop such construction work on the receipt of orders from competent officer of Municipal Authority regarding stoppage of unauthorised construction," Bassi said.
According to circular, SHO will only inform the concerned Municipal Authority about unauthorised construction as per Section 475 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act 1957.
"In his/her jurisdiction, the SHO is responsible to intimate the concerned Municipal Authority. He is also responsbile to ensure no police officer under him misuses or misrepresent this authority for ulterior purpose," Bassi added.
The Delhi Police commissioner also said that after getting orders from municipal authority regarding the stoppage of unauthorised construction, police officials can stop it, but they will have to show such order to the owner, who is building the house.
Delhi Police have also urged the public that they should record any demand of bribe by any police officials in lieu of allowing unauthorised construction or stopping the same and send the clip of audio/visual recording on mobile number 9910641064 or inform the vigilance anti-corruption Helpline 1064.