Delhi Police has launched investigation in the fake online application in the name of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a recruitment test by CRPF on a complaint filed by the central para military force.
A case under IT Act provisions was registered with Cyber Crime unit of EOW on July 26, an official said.
Investigation has been launched by various wings of Delhi Police including Special Cell to crack the case, sources said.
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The fake online application form was filled up for the recruitment by CRPF citing candidate's name as Narendra Modi and his photo was also affixed.
The case was detected before the physical standard test and the admit card was cancelled on July 15. The fake candidate did not appear for the physical standard test, though he downloaded the admit card before it was cancelled, CRPF had earlier said in a statement.
The admit card of the candidate, who was supposed to appear before a board for physical examination for recruitment as a Head Constable, was "auto generated" and subsequently posted on its official website for download by the aspirant.
The candidate had filled up application form/Roll No 2430026090 with fake details like name - Narendra Modi, father's name- Rarendra Modi, mother's name- Raj, attaching photograph of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and indicating Group Centre CRPF Rampur as centre for examination.
The generation of admit cards for recruitment in CRPF is done through online (Internet-based) mode. The admit card can be downloaded from website only by the applicant with personal details like application number, name and date of birth, among others, it said.