Delhi Police has seized over Rs 3.5 crore in high value demonetised currency notes from three persons in north Delhi's Kashmere Gate area this evening.
Police received a tip-off about three men carrying Rs 3.68 crore in a Honda City car and the special staff of north district detained them, said a senior police officer.
Prima facie, it has been revealed that the three men allegedly used to charge 15-20 per cent commission for depositing black money in different bank accounts, he said.
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One of the persons detained is a jeweller while the other is a chartered accountant and the third person is his assistant, the officer added.
Police has passed on the information to IT department.
On November 20, a man was detained on west Delhi's Tikri border while he was driving towards Haryana in a SUV with a bag containing Rs 49,96,000.
On November 18, Nazer-e-Alam, a resident of Gorakhpur, was arrested with Rs 96 lakh in old currency notes of Rs 1,000 denominations. He was carrying a bag with Rs 96 lakh and couldn't offer any satisfactory explanation for possessing such a huge amount of cash.
On November 17, police had seized 500 demonetised notes of Rs 1,000 denominations from an employee of a West Bengal-based firm, onboard Sealdah-Delhi Rajdhani train.
Police had detained a paediatrician with Rs 69,86,000 in Rs 100 denominations in central Delhi's Paharganj area on November 16.