The recent discovery of polio virus in Europe for the first time since 2010 is a blunt reminder to all that the criplling disease is very much real and very much dangerous, a charitable organisation in the UK has warned.
"All of us at The British Polio Fellowship were greatly saddened to see the news of polio being discovered in Europe for the first time in five years," said Ted Hill, CEO the British Polio Fellowship, two days after the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed that two Ukrainian children have been paralysed by polio.
The British Polio Fellowship is a charity which helps and supports those in the UK living with the late effects of Polio and Post Polio Syndrome (PPS).
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"It was shocking news to receive and felt like a huge setback following the hard work that has been carried out by countless people over the years. This new discovery of polio in Europe therefore is a timely and blunt reminder to all of us that Polio is very much real, and very much dangerous," Ted said.
"It's extremely vital that this setback acts as a catalyst for change, and a message that there is still work to be done," he said.
The WHO said that both cases occurred because immunisation rates in the Ukraine were extremely low.
Polio is still endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are cases of polio virus in six countries including Iraq.
Ted says that all this shows the vast work that everyone faces to eradicate polio.
"The work and challenges ahead would be daunting for most, but setbacks like this only make us stronger and more determined to eliminate polio once and for all," said Ted.