Against the backdrop of a tussle between former Army chief Gen. VK Singh and the government, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today sought to dispel concerns over civil-military ties, saying that the political leadership of the country had the highest faith in the military.
"Concerns have been raised in recent times about the nature of civil-military relations in our country. Let me assert, clearly and unequivocally, that the political leadership in India has the highest faith in its military and its institutional rectitude within the democratic framework," he said.
Singh was addressing the top military leadership at the Combined Commanders' Conference here at South Block.
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He further stated that the "apolitical nature of our military and its proven professionalism are the envy of the world and have also nurtured the Indian democratic experience.
"Our democracy and institutions have proven their ability to deal with any issues or doubts that may arise," he said.
There have been rows in the recent past involving the government and the former Army chief.
While in service, Gen. Singh had dragged the government to court over the issue of his age after Defence Ministry refused to accept his claims regarding the same.
Recently, he blamed an unknown individual in the Prime Ministers' Office as being behind the alleged Tatra truck deal scam as also the age row.
The former Army chief, in his autobiography, has also suggested that the top leadership of the country has always been paranoid of a military coup.