Chief Minister V Narayanasamy today said he has asked the Chief Secretary to go into the recent release of a controversial students magazine in Pondicherry University, which has been banned amid protests by ABVP and BJP that it was "critical" of central government.
"I have asked the Chief Secretary to go into the issue and submit a report. Once the report is available we will consider follow up action," he told reporters here.
The central university on Thursday banned the magazine, titled 'Widerstand' (meaning resistance in German), brought out by the Students Council of the Pondicherry University last week.
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The Dean of Students Welfare of Hyderabad Central University Prakash Babu released the magazine in the presence of the Vice Chancellor (in-charge) of Pondicherry University Anisa Basheer Khan and the Dean of Students Welfare P Moorthy, who has since been relieved of the post.
However, the magazine encountered protests from ABVP, BJP and some other outfits over its contents. President of the local unit of BJP V Saminathan said it had "critical comments against the Central government."
Activists of the Students Federation of India and the Dr Ambedkar Students Union, condemned the ban on the magazine, saying the university was trying to "gag" freedom of speech and expression.
Registrar of the university (in charge) M Ramachandran in an order yesterday said the university has 'relieved the Dean of Students Welfare from the position. The Assistant Dean of the Students Welfare would look after the routine duties until further orders.