The relative position of socially and financially deprived groups like scheduled castes and tribes condition have not improved relatively last 7 years ending 2011-12, a survey has showed.
"Estimates from the quinquennial consumer expenditure surveys conducted in 2004-05, 2009-10, and 2011-12 indicate that the ranking of the social groups by Monthly Per Capital Expenditure (MPCE) has remained the same over the 7-year period 2004-05 to 2011-12 in both rural and urban sectors," the survey said.
According to the National Sample Survey Organisation's Household Consumer Expenditure across Socio-Economic Groups, 2011-12, "In both sectors, 'Others' had the highest MPCE, followed by 'OBC' (other backward class), over this period. The lowest MPCE was that of the ST (scheduled tribes) group in the rural sector and that of the SC (scheduled caste) group in the urban areas."
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The relative position of socially and financially backward groups especially SC and ST have not shown any improvement despite the various social sector schemes of the government.
However, the average MPCE of the OBC group, in both the rural and urban areas, showed a minor improvement in respect of percentage difference from average MPCE of all-social groups
between 2004-05 and 2011-12.
It said that in villages, the average MPCE was Rs 1122 for ST, Rs 1252 for SC and Rs 1439 for OBC and in urban India it was Rs 2193 for ST, Rs 2028 for SC, and Rs 2275 for OBC.
The average MPCE of 'Others' at all-India level (Rs 1719 in rural and Rs 3242 in urban India) was more than the all-groups average (Rs 1430 in rural and Rs 2630 in urban India) in both sectors.
Among the rural household types, average MPCE was Rs 1509 for 'self-employed in non-agriculture', Rs 1436 for 'self-employed in agriculture', Rs 2002 for 'regular wage/salary earning', Rs 1159 for 'casual labour in agriculture', Rs 1238 for 'casual labour in non-agriculture' and Rs.1893 for 'others' as per the study.
In cities, average MPCE was Rs 2415 for 'self-employed', Rs 3062 for the 'regular wage or salary earning', Rs 1514 for 'casual labour' and Rs 3734 for 'others'.
Among rural households classified by size of land possessed, the topmost class had an average MPCE of Rs 1953 and the lowest class had an average MPCE of Rs 1391, it added.
The report is based on information collected during July 2011-June 2012 from 101651 households (59683 rural and 41968 urban) in 7469 villages and 5268 urban blocks spread over the entire country.