Posters have sprung up in various parts of Wadakancherry in Kerala's Thrissur district against veteran Malayalam actor KPAC Lalitha, who is likely to be the CPI(M) Independent candidate from the constituency in the May 16 assembly polls.
Posters stating "we do not want stars, but people with the smell of soil as candidate from wadakancherry" have appeared in various parts of the constituency.
The 69-year-old Lalitha is likely to take on former chief minister and Congress leader K Karunakaran's daughter Padmaja Venugopal, who is on the list of probables from a constituency in Thrissur.
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Kerala Cooperation Minister C N Balakrishnan is the sitting MLA from Wadakancherry.
Among other actors from the Malayalam film industry who are likely to be in assembly poll fray are Siddiq, Mukesh, Jagadeesh and former minister K B Ganesh Kumar.