Demanding the Rs 400 crore central aid for the current financial year, the state Public Health Engineering minister Kiran Choudhry said there is a vast disparity in availability of drinking water in different parts of the state.
"While there are enough drinking water sources in the northern region, there are other areas which have brackish water and nearly 60 per cent of the ground water is not fit for human consumption. The situation is precarious in southern parts of the state, particularly at Mahendergarh, Mewat and Bhiwani, which are in close proximity of Rajasthan. The ground water in these areas has gone very low," she said at the state ministers and secretaries conference on Total Sanitation Campaign here.
For the current financial year, Centre has indicated an allocation of Rs 232 crore to Haryana and the state will be mobilising own resources to the tune of Rs 265 crore, Choudhry said at the conference which was presided over by Union Minister of Rural Development & Drinking Water and Sanitation Jairam Ramesh.
This amount will be utilized to augment drinking water facilities in 950 habitations in the state, she said, adding that the funds provided by the Centre under National Rural Drinking Water Programme and Desert Development Programme in the previous fiscal were fully utilised, even though the last installment was received at the fag end of the financial year. (MORE)