BJP today hit out at the Nitish Kumar government in Bihar after files reportedly linked to the fodder scam went missing, saying it shows how power was being used to bury the cases related to the scandal, in which RJD chief Lalu Prasad has been convicted.
Union Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy told a press conference that the case of missing files should not be seen in isolation and a political atmosphere has developed after the JD(U)-RJD alliance came to power under which the government is being seen as a "protector of crime and criminals".
Taking a dig at the Chief Minister over his election slogan that 'Bihar is for Biharis', Rudy said it now looks like that "Bihar is for criminals," as he cited a number of cases involving ruling JD(U) and RJD leaders.
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"There were many cases registered in the fodder scam. It seems that the government's power is being to bury those cases one by one," he said.
Citing official figures, he claimed over 46000 criminal cases have been registered in the state between January-March and heinous crimes like murder, rape and kidnapping have been rising.
"We are no only concerned but troubled as well. That files linked to fodder scam have gone missing indicate that the power is being used to capture the system, to finish off cases against those being part of power," he said.
Rudy cited a number of cases of extortion calls made to doctors, some of whom were attacked too, and criminal charges against the ruling coalition law-makers to make his point.
Reacting to controversial comments of Hindutva activist Sadhvi Prachi that the country should be made 'Muslim-free', he said it was an "improper" statement and his party believed in including all communities to build society and the country.
An FIR has been lodged in Patna in connection
With the
theft of about 500 files of Bihar's animal husbandry directorate which are supposedly related to the multi-crore fodder scam.