Acting on a tip-off, Lokayukta sleuths raided home of Arjun Das Lalwani, posted as Assistant Grade II clerk in the commercial section of Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company at its Govindpura Office, Lokayukta SP Siddharth Choudhary told PTI.
Details of 22 properties owned by him worth crores of rupees were found, police said, adding, documents of about Rs 53 lakh invested in fixed deposits, National Saving Certificates (NSC) and in vehicles were also recovered.
They also found papers of 12 shops owned by Lalwani in MP Nagar, Malviya Nagar and Bairagarh areas of the city.
The police team found him to be owning four plots of land, two houses and two tracts of agriculture land.
The valuation of the assets found from Lalwani's possession is being calculated, the SP said, adding, police also found 27 bank accounts in his and his family members' names.