In an interview to the 'Good Housekeeping' magazine, 63-year-old Charles has said though that his sons William and Harry have inherited his passion for conservation but take the mickey out of him about recycling and the environment.
"They say, 'Oh, he's on again'. But you never quite know with your children, do you? Because, although they may pull your leg all the time, sometimes you find out later they have talked to other people about it," the 'Daily Express' quoted Charles as telling the magazine.
Since the early 1980s, Charles has taken a keen interest in environmental issues, taking a leadership role in promoting environmentally sensitive thinking.
Upon his moving into his Highgrove estate, he became increasingly focused on organic farming, an attention that culminated in the 1990 launch of his own organic brand -- Duchy Originals, which now sells 200 different sustainably produced products, from food to garden furniture, the profits from which are donated to The Prince's Charities.
When asked that if he would need to de-clutter his Gloucestershire mansion if he ever wanted to sell it, Charles responded: "I hate throwing things away. I am always trying to find ways of re-using things.