The three-day strike by private bus and minibus operators in West Bengal, which was to begin from June 25 demanding a fare hike, has been called off after a meeting between state transport minister Madan Mitra and the leaders of the owners' association.
"We have decided to call off the strike after the minister said that a committee appointed to decide bus fares will place its report by July 23. We will wait till then," general secretary of Joint Council of Bus Syndicates Sadhan Das told reporters after the meeting.
"We have also requested for a meeting with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to submit before her the situation we are faced with following repeated hike in diesel prices and that of spares," Das said.
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Bus and mini bus fares were last revised in August, 2013 after which diesel prices had been been increased several times, making it unviable to maintain the vehicles, the association leaders claimed.