Bollywood divas Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone will be seen dancing together for the first time on screen in the upcoming film "Bajirao Mastani" and the "Mary Kom" actress is thankful to her co-star for a successful shoot of the song.
The film, also starring actor Ranveer Singh, marks the first time Priyanka, 32, and Deepika, 29, will be seen sharing screen space.
"Thank u Sanjay sir @remodsouza_1 @shampa_s Kruti @deepikapadukone and #TeamBajiraoMastani for an awesome song shoot. See u on set next schedule," tweeted Priyanka.
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"Finally done... The bliss of finishing a momentous task is so relieving. #BajiraoMastani. Back to #AyeshaMehra for #DDD tomorrow. Kashi bids good night," she said.
Priyanka, 32, plays Kashibai, the first wife of Baji Rao (Ranveer), in the historical romance. Deepika will be seen in the role of Mastani, the second wife of Baji Rao.