Delhi's chief electoral office has started a probe into alleged display of pictures of senior Congress leaders including Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and minister Haroon Yusuf on electricity bills in violation of model code of conduct and issued notice to a discom.
The matter was brought to the notice of District Election Officer (East), following which he issued a show cause notice yesterday to the Chief Executive Officer of BSES Yamuna-Discom which supplies electricity in East Delhi.
While confirming the development, Delhi's Chief Electoral Officer Vijay Dev said the concerned discom was asked to reply in a time bound manner why action should not be taken against it for violation of Model Code of Conduct.
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"Depending on the reply further action will be taken. Prima facie, it is a case of model code violation and if proven criminal prosecution may follow," added Dev.
DEO (East) Krishna Mohan Uppu said, "All the electricity bills issued after October 3 have pictures of many Congress leaders."
The matter is under investigation to ascertain whether it was done with the political party's acceptance or the discom did it on their own, said Uppu.
The Model code of Conduct came into effect from October 4 with the announcement of Delhi assembly poll's schedule.