The Madras High Court today directed the Tamil Nadu DGP "to ensure full, sufficient and proper protection" to Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi at Tiruchirapalli on July 23 during his one-day state visit and disposed of a petition seeking provision of outer ring security by the state government to him.
Justice M Sathyanarayanan, before whom the petition filed by advocate A P Suryaprakasam came up, gave the order after recording the submission of Special government pleader that Gandhi belongs to Z-Plus category of security and apart from inner ring protection by Special Protection Group, outer ring protection would be given by state police.
The pleader also assured the court that adequate, sufficient and proper protection would be given to Gandhi and there would not be any lapses while protecting him.
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The petitioner, who is also convener of the legal cell of state unit of Congress, expressed apprehension that though Gandhi is protected by SPG, the outer ring of security has to be provided by state police and may not be able to get such protection on account of 'lapses' on their part.