The special sessions court judge Shripad Digraskar found Sudhakar Pawar, who was attached with Pimpalner police station in 2008, guilty under Anti-Corruption Act 1967 for demanding and accepting illegal gratification of Rs 500 from complainant Sanjay Kale who runs the dhaba on Jarud-Nalwandi Road in Beed district.
The court also imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 on the convict who had threatened Kale to implicate him in false cases if he failed to part with the money.
It was prosecution's case that Pawar had summoned Kale to a government rest-house in Pimpalner and asked him to shell out Rs 500 per month as bribe while accusing the latter of selling liquor at the eatery and keeping it open beyond stipulated time.
A trap was laid for Pawar after Kale approached the Anti-Corruption Bureau. The PSI was caught red-handed accepting the money from the complainant at Milliya Collage in the city on October 21, 2008.