Punjab Congress on Friday upped its ante against demonetisation in line with the all-India campaign launched by the party's central leadership, demanding immediate steps by the Modi government to rectify the situation triggered by the note ban.
Congress leader and former MoS J D Seelam said the party was submitting a memorandum to all deputy commissioners in the state, seeking the truth on the Nov 8 demonetisation move and its impact on people.
The memorandum against "corruption and demonetisation", which has already been submitted to Prime Minister, demands the conduct of an independent inquiry into the corruption and bribery allegations in the Birla and Sahara papers cases, he said.
The party also demanded compensation for recouping the losses suffered due to demonetisation, he added.
Accusing Modi of "misleading" the people by projecting demonetisation as a battle against black money, terror financing and corruption, Seelam said Congress wanted to know from him how much black money had come into the banks as a result of the move.
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Pointing out that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's description of demonetisation as "organised loot and plunder" had come true, the Congress leader said it had plunged the country into an economic crisis, pushing it back by 10-15 years.
"The Modi government should admit its mistake and rectify the situation," he added.
State Congress chief Amarinder Singh said the people had been badly hurt by "note-bandi", with the poor affected the most.
The party's state vice-president Sunil Jakhar said they were not against demonetisation but its shoddy implementation.
Referring to the seizure of around Rs 3.5 lakh from Fazilka sub-jail, Jakhar pointed out that all the new currency notes were being found with leaders and workers of BJP and their allies, such as the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD).