Disclosing this here today, Local Bodies Minister Chunni Lal Bhagat said that the project would encompass the replacement of about 3.5 lakh street light points with Light Emitting Diode (LED) based on Energy Efficiency Equipments throughout the state.
He said that presently all the Urban Local Bodies were paying an amount of Rs 53 crore on energy bill and Rs 17 crore on the operations and maintenance charges.
He said that after the installation of new LED street lights, it would witness a substantial reduction of Rs 24 crores in the energy bills for the ULBs besides the operations and maintenance expenditures.
The minister said that the work on this project has been started at Bathinda cluster while the work on remaining clusters including Jalandhar, Amritsar, Ferozepur, Ludhiana and Patiala would commence in December 2012.