Congress today attacked Finance Minister Arun Jaitley's "maturity" remarks on Rahul Gandhi and said that its vice president does not need a certificate from this government.
Congress' senior spokesman Anand Sharma said "members of the government should not make uncharitable remarks. Does the Congress Vice President need a certificate from an acolyte and a propagandist of this government because he is also Information and Broadcasting Minister?"
"What does Prime Minister Narendra Modi knows about economic and strategic affairs?" he said.
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After Gandhi's speech in the Lok Sabha yesterday, Jaitley had in a Facebook post attacked him saying: "As one evolves from a young to a middle-aged one, we certainly expect a certain level of maturity. The more I hear Shri Rahul Gandhi, the more I start wondering how much does he know - when will he know."
Sharma attacked Jaitley's remarks and said "we do not lack maturity as we are not distributing certificates to them. We are political opponents. Their ideology militates against our idea of India. We do not need their certificate.