Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi today took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying while he failed to deliver on his much tom-tommed promise of bringing black money back he wore a "suit worth Rs 10 lakh" during US President Barack Obama's visit here.
Addressing an election rally, he also accused the Modi government of succumbing to US pressure in resolving the nuclear deal logjam and claimed that in case of any accident in a nuclear plant, US companies will not have to pay compensation.
"He (Modi) had said I will bring back crores of black money, will deposit 15 lakh in every account. I want to ask you, did you get 15 lakh? You didn't get anything but Modi wore a suit worth Rs 10 lakh during Obama's visit," he said.
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On the nuclear deal, Gandhi said, "If there is any problem in a nuclear plant, the American company won't have to pay and it will be the Indian government which will pay the compensation."
The Congress Vice President also took a dig at Modi on his Swachh Bharat Abhiyan saying the prime minister has not been able to address problems like inflation and employment.
"When you asked for employment and demanded that inflation be brought down, he gave you a broom saying clean India and went to US and Australia."
Asking people to support Congress in the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls, Gandhi wondered what changes BJP will bring to Delhi as the party was already running the city as it was under President's Rule.
"BJP says bring our government in Delhi. But they are in power here, they are already running Delhi," he said.
In a veiled attack on Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi, he said the anti-graft movement led by Anna Hazare had people who are now in both AAP and BJP who "used to meet in Lodhi park in the morning and do the planning (to attack Congress)".