According to Railway Ministry data, the total goods earnings have also gone up from Rs 1625.05 crore during the period from October 1 to 10, 2011 to Rs 2179.45 crore during the same period this year, showing an increase of 34.12 per cent.
The total passenger revenue earnings during the period were Rs 839.10 crore compared to Rs 758.08 crore during the same period last year, showing an increase of 10.69 per cent.
The revenue earnings from other coaching amounted to Rs. 83.80 crore during this period compared to Rs. 74.26 crore during the same period last year, showing an increase of 12.85 per cent.
The total approximate numbers of passengers booked during the period were 251.67 million compared to 230.89 million during the same period last year, showing an increase of 9.00 per cent.