Pankaj Choudhury, who was removed from the post of Bundi SP following a communal flare up last year, has filed a complaint against Rajasthan Police chief and Personnel Department to state Chief Secretary and Human Rights Commission for their failure to provide him the documents required to file a reply to a charge sheet issued to him.
Choudhary said he had filed the complaint on Tuesday last, stating that he needs them to file reply to the charge sheet issued against him on September 21 this year for mishandling communal flare up in Nainwa.
The 2009-batch IPS officer, who is currently posted as Superintendent of Police (SP) of State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB) at Jaipur, alleged that he had sought required information and documents through Right To Information (RTI) from District Magistrate (DM), Bundi SP and other authorities, "but was declined even after four reminders".
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Refuting the charges of mishandling the communal flare up in Nainwa in September 2014, Choudhary alleged that the charge sheet issued to him was "politically motivated".
Choudhary, while being SP of Bundi in 2014, was issued charge sheet by the state government for not properly handling the communal flare up erupted on September 12, 2014 in Nainwa subdivision of Bundi district following damage to a mosque allegedly some people. Some of them were also arrested.
But on September 21, 2014, Choudhary, then SP of Bundi was put on Awaiting Posting Order (APO) and was issued charge sheet this September.