Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray today appealed to his supporters not to put up hoardings, posters, banners or issue any advertisements in the media on his birthday on June 14 as he was grieving over the death of his uncle Bal Thackeray.
"It is not even an year after my uncle Balasaheb Thackeray passed away and I do not want to celebrate my birthday this year at all, since I am in still in grief," Raj Thackeray said during a meeting with MNS activists this morning.
Bal Thackeray, who catapulted Shiv Sena to power in Maharashtra in the 1990s, died on November 18 last year.
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Before his death, Raj shared estranged relations with the late Shiv Sena leader as he had split from the family and formed MNS over six years ago following a succession row.
After the meeting, the MNS chief released the list of party office bearers at a press conference here called by Thane city unit MNS chief Neelesh Chavan.
The 12-member executive committee comprises of two vice-presidents, two secretaries, one zonal president and a secretary for each of zone, based on assembly segments.
Raj has given the responsibility of all 288 assembly segments in the state to a president and a secretary, Chavan said.
Thane city's vice-presidents are Rajesh More and Avinash Jadhav, while the secretaries are Manohar Sukhdhare, and Sanjay 'Dada' Deshmukh.
The zonal presidents are Rajesh Madvi (Thane city), Ravindra More (Kopri-Panchpakhadi), Pushkraj Vichare (Ovla-Majiwada) and Sudhir Bubera( Kalwa-Mumbra).
Likewise, secretaries of the zones are Pradip Savardekar, Omkar Mali, Sandeep Pachange and Sushant Suryarao respectively for zones relating to assembly segments.