Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje and Congress leader Ashok Gehlot today greeted Justice R M Lodha who was sworn in as the Chief Justice of India by the President Pranab Mukherjee.
"Entire Rajasthan is glorified with your appointment as the CJI. This for the first time a justice from Rajasthan has attained the highest post in judiciary. We congratulate you on this occasion," Raje said.
Congratulating Justice Lodha, former Chief Minister and Congress leader Ashok Gehlot said it was a matter of pride for every person in Rajasthan specially of Jodhpur, where from the CJI hailed.
"We have been demanding since post-independence that Rajasthan be given a representation in selecting CJI, now it is a matter of crowning glory for the state of Rajasthan," he said in a statement.