Special judge B M Mallikarjunaiah adjourned the recording of the statement under section 313 of the CrPC after Sasikala's counsel C Manishankhar filed an application seeking exemption from personal appearance for her saying she had undergone a laser surgery on her left eye.
He said Sasikala had been advised to lie down in the "face down position", for a period of 14 days at least.
Filing the requisite medical report along with the application, he submitted that Sasikala had also been advised by the eye surgeon not to undertake any travel for at least two to four weeks.
Special Public Prosecutor B V Acharya opposed the application terming it as delaying tactics. The court then adjourned the matter to June 18.
Sasikala has so far answered 632 out of over 1,000 questions framed by the court in connection with the case relating the alleged accumulation of disproportionate wealth by Jayalalithaa when she was chief minister between 1991-95.
The case was transferred from Chennai to Bangalore by the Supreme Court.