Lauding Kerala's
pioneering efforts in achieving total e-literacy, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said reducing the digital divide was vital to improve the lives of common people across the country.
Launching the total E-literacy Programme of Kerala Government being implemented under P N Panicker Vikas Vigyan Kendra here, Singh said this was an initiative which could be taken across the country.
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"In fact, we need such initiatives to be taken across the length and breadth of the country. This will help us in realising the full potential of ICT--- in decentralised governance, in better delivery of services, particularly education, in financial inclusion and e-commerce," Singh said.
Recalling the services of late P N Panicker in universal literacy and library movement in Kerala, Singh said the e-literacy programme being launched in tune with the earlier movements would also contribute to quickening the pace of Kerala's social and economic development and political empowerment of people.