Government today earmarked Rs 1,862 crore, around 11.1 per cent of plan outlay of 16,700 crore (excluding Centrally Sponsored Schemes) for social security and welfare sector in the Delhi budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Parliament.
In view of the rising population of the elderly in the city, the 'monthly aid' of Rs 1,000 to senior citizens of 60-69 years and Rs 1,500 to 70 years and above, the government today extended it for 4.30 lakh people.
At present 3.90 lakh people are being benefitted by the monthly aid.
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Further, the government also proposed to increase the plan outlay under Pension to Senior Citizens from Rs 538 crore in 2013-14 to Rs 600 in 2014-15.
Referring to the safety and security issue of national capital, the Finance Minister said that process of recruitment of 155 women sub-inspectors and 1434 women constables is on and these women police officials are expected to join Delhi Police in 2014-15.
In the current year 8124 girls have been imparted self defence training and 4925 police officials have attended gender sensitization programme. Various initiatives have been taken to expedite investigation of crimes against women, Jaitley said.
To curb the menace of diversion of rations meant for lakhs of families which are below the poverty line and ensure transparent distribution of food grains to eligible households, 2500 fair price shops (FPS) will be computerised and daily sale from these (FPS) will be monitored online.