The Ajit Singh-led Rashtriya Lok Dal today organised "chakka jam" in several parts of Uttar Pradesh, including the state capital, demanding immediate beginning of sugarcane crushing by mills, remunerative price to farmers, and payment of cane dues with interest.
In Lucknow, RLD workers led by general secretary Anil Dubey marched to Vidhan Sabha and staged a dharna. Dubey alleged that the government was functioning in connivance with sugar mill owners.
Referring to the alleged suicide by a farmer in Lakhimpur district, he demanded resignation of the government on moral grounds. The RLD leaders later submitted a memorandum addressed to the Governor.
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Meanwhile, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav in Sultanpur said the government was with the sugarcane farmers and they would be helped in all possible manner.
The ruling SP termed the RLD agitation as "farce". Its spokesman Rajendra Chaudhary alleged that RLD's leader Ajit Singh was a minister in the Union Cabinet and he never talked about the farmers or the development of the state.