An amount of Rs 11,000 crore has been earmarked to augment the infrastructure of power sector in Jammu and Kashmir under Prime Minister's reconstruction plan for the state.
"Rs 11,000 crore have been earmarked for augmentation and upgradation of electric infrastructure in J&K under the PM's reconstruction plan", Deputy Chief Minister, Nirmal Singh said.
Referring to the package of Rs 80,000 crore recently announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Deputy Chief Minister said it is very "comprehensive" in nature and would further accelerate the pace of development in the state.
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Calling for forming a comprehensive roadmap for effective utilisation of funds earmarked under the plan, Singh said, "Now the onus lies on us to ensure that this money is utilised in a transparent and effective manner so that the people get benefited from these developmental initiatives."
The Deputy Chief Minister directed officers concerned to work in close coordination and convene meetings periodically so that the schemes being undertaken are completed in a time bound manner.