Maharashtra government sanctioned a sum of Rs 2813.27 crore as compensation for losses suffered in natural calamities during January and April 2014 which affected crops in about 20.83 lakh hectares, the Economic Survey for 2014-15 said.
Scarcity situation during kharif season affected nearly 112.47 lakh hectares of area for which an amount of Rs 2,000 crore was sanctioned against the estimated loss of Rs 4,803.09 crore, said the survey tabled in the State Legislature today.
Between July and December 2014, about 1.48 lakh hectares area was affected by various natural calamities and estimated amount of loss was Rs 136.07 crore.
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During 2014-15, the government paid premium of Rs 15.81 crore to insurance companies under the scheme, it added.