: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today issued orders to allot Rs 27 crore for construction of own buildings to run Adi Dravidar and tribal students' hostels.
Stating that there are 1,342 hostels for Adi Dravidar and Tribal students run by the department, an official release said Jayalalithaa ordered construction of the buildings to hostels run on rented premises. Considering the large number of children taking to education,
Accordingly, in the current fiscal, 27 new buildings would be constructed in Salem, Pudukottai, Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli districts were hostels run on rented premises.
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At an estimated cost of Rs one crore for each hostel, the Chief Minister issued orders to allot Rs 27 crore towards this purpose, the release said.
In a separate statement, Jayalalithaa issued orders to take up the construction of new roads, developing the basic infrastructure facilities at the Maluchampatty industrial estate in Coimbatore district at an estimated cost of Rs two crore.