A sum of Rs 50.54 lakh unaccounted cash and 11,344 litre illegal liquor were seized in the past 24 hours during intensive drive in different areas of poll-bound Bihar.
While Rs 28.85 lakh accounted cash was seized from Gopalganj district, Rs 10 lakh from Athmalgola locality in the state capital, a release issued by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) said today.
Rs 3.79 lakh unaccounted cash was seized in Begusarai district followed by Rs 3 lakh from Hathdah area in Patna district, Rs 2.40 lakh in Vaishali district, Rs 1.50 lakh in Gaya district and Rs 1.01 lakh in Arwal district, it said.
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In incidents of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations, 12 cases have been lodged for defacement of public property and one case for defacement of private property.
The cases related to misuse of vehicles and illegal meeting/speech stood at four and one respectively, besides four cases in others' category.
In matters related to law and order violation, nine arms/weapons and 73 ammunition were seized and 1890 licensed arms deposited with the authorities.
As many as 880 licensed arms have been cancelled, while 733 non-bailable warrants executed.
The police have collected about Rs 20 lakh as fine during checking of vehicles across the state.
In prohibition-related matters, 32 cases have been registered and 130 raids conducted in this regard.
57 people have been arrested in prohibition-related cases and Rs 1.75 lakh penalty imposed for possession of liquor.