Twenty gold biscuits worth Rs 63.7 lakh were seized from three passengers who arrived by different flights at nearby Karipur international airport today, Air Customs Intelligence officials said.
All the three men, natives of Kasargod, followed the same modus operandi to smuggle the biscuits by concealing them in their rectum, Superintendent G Balagopal said.
A team of officials checked one Mohammed Javid (24) who came by an Air India Express flight at 11.00 AM and found he had concealed seven gold biscuits worth Rs 22 lakh, following which he was arrested
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On specific intelligence inputs, 45-year-old Abdul Rahiman who arrived by a Qatar Airways flight at 8.30 AM was checked. He was found to have concealed seven biscuits worth Rs 22 lakh and was also arrested, Balagopal said.
In the third instance, Mohammad Saidhu (47) who came by an Oman Airlines flight at 2.30 PM, was found to be hiding six biscuits worth Rs 19.7 lakh in his rectum.
Saidhu is being questioned and if necessary would be arrested, Balagopal said.