Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has carried out its work not with an eye on elections or politics but for all round betterment of society, RSS general secretary Bhaiyyaji Joshi said today.
Joshi, while addressing RSS workers on the occasion of Dussehra here, said the administration cannot achieve various goals in diverse fields such as education, social, cultural and health on its own and what was needed was participation of all members of the society.
"In the last 90 years a lot has been done towards the society by the Sangh and a lot remains to be done in the coming years. We should work to ensure that the country becomes 'Mahasatta' (global power) in the world," Joshi said.
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"Social fabric, scientific basis, sanskar, education cannot be achieved only through law and from the administrative system. The preaching by social organisations has an immense importance in this process," he said.
"The RSS believes that the entire society shall become adaptable, culturally strong. The RSS should believe that the society should be adaptable for the change and should come out of the dogmas which have divided the society and it has been working relentlessly for the last 90 years in that direction with a view to create strong Bharat(India)," he said.
"However, we know that though we have become successful in crossing all the barriers still there is lot to be achieved and there is a long way ahead," Joshi added.
The General Secretary further said that the comparison of caste into high and low was a shame to the society and while removing this disparity politics should not come in the way.
"The division of society based on the caste is a stigma to the society, which is a big challenge and we sincerely believe that such issues should not be politicised. The national interest and betterment of future should be paramount aim of all of us and we should not allow politics to enter into this area," he said.
"If we desire to have a politics of principles then the society should take lead and ensure that," he added.
He also commented on the many castes trying to compete with each other for proving their backwardness and said we should not not allow anybody to harbour such intentions.