The Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement also said that the possibility of Russia joining this (CPEC) initiative is not being discussed with Islamabad.
"Reports appearing in Pakistan's media about some 'secret talks' between Russia and Pakistan on the creation of CPEC do not correspond to the realities. The possibility of Russia joining this initiative is not being discussed with Islamabad.
"Our trade and economic cooperation with Pakistan has its own value. We aim for its further strengthening. The implementation by Russian companies of business projects in IRP, including the construction of North-South gas pipeline from Karachi to Lahore, are implemented on bilateral basis," as per the statement, which was circulated by the Russian Embassy here.
According to a Pakistani media report earlier this week, apart from deciding to use the Gwadar Port for trade to have access to warm waters, Russia also wants to join the $46 billion CPEC to reap maximum dividends.
"In addition, Russia aspires to develop strategic defence ties with Pakistan," the media report had said.