Rahul Sachdev's accuracy not only helped him to achieve a high break of 75 but also flawlessly clear the table by two frames to achieve a 4-3 win over Rafath Habib in the MCC-Kumbhat 6-Red Snooker prize money tournament here today.
Sachdev won 4-3 against Habib in the league rounds. Sachdev played a tight game and cleared the table and scored the highest 75 points break.
Results of league matches:
Group A: Rahul Sachdev beat Rafath Habib 4-3, Group B: Manan Chandra beat Sandeep Gulati 4-3 and Varun Madan beat Himanshu Jain 4-2; Group C Dilip Kumar beat Laxman Rawat 4-2 and Varun Kumar beat Balaji Reddy 4-3; and Group D: Girish beat Ketan Chawla 4-1, Kamal Chawla beat S A Saleem 4-3 And Shabaz Adil Khan beat Pranit Ramchandani 4-1.