Delhi Police on Monday detained the sacked Delhi minister Sandeep Kumar's personal assistant (PA) after the Aam Aadmi Party leader alleged that he was blackmailing him and threatening to destroy his public image.
Praveen Kumar, who is Kumar's PA, was detained from the Delhi Secretariat this morning, police said.
"As of now, we have detained him for questioning from the Delhi Secretariat," said Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) (Outer) Vikramjeet Singh.
During questioning by police, Sandeep had claimed innocence alleging that Praveen had tried to blackmail him and threatened to harm his public image.
On Sunday, police had conducted searches at the residence of the minister and his acquaintances.
Sandeep, arrested on charges of rape, was remanded in three-day police custody today by a court.
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On Saturday, the woman, who purportedly figured in the objectionable CD that led to the sacking of Sandeep by the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, filed a rape case against the former minister.
Thereafter, the minister surrendered at the office of DCP (Outer) and was arrested.
Sandeep has also been suspended from primary membership of the AAP.