Supreme Court judge Justice K S Radhakrishnan, who heard the Sahara case, has said that the "pressure, tension and strain" for the two-member bench was "unimaginable" in dealing with the "complicated" matter.
"The pressure, tension and strain that both of us have undergone is unimaginable. We can't explain it. We are under pressure and already the pressure is reflected on my wife and family members also. So, it is that much a very complicated case, See, it is still not over. So, I can't speak much on the Sahara matter," he said while addressing the legal fraternity at a farewell function organised by a group of lawyers here.
Justice Radhakrishnan, who retires on May 15, has heard along with Justice J S Khehar the case involving Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy and two other directors who are in jail since March 4 for failing to abide by the apex court's order to refund Rs.20,000 crore of investors' money.
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Noted lawyer Soli Sorabjee appreciated the stand taken by the bench, saying, "The very fact that the bench stood its ground...And was able to withstand and resist such pressure, directly or indirectly, from any source" is admirable.
The Supreme Court had on May six disapproved of the Sahara Group chief "calculated psychological offensives and mind games" while upholding its order jailing him.
"Disobedience of orders of a Court strikes at the very root of the rule of law, on which the judicial system rests. Judicial orders are bound to be obeyed at all costs," it had held.
The court had dismissed his petition against his detention.