On the lines of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Swachh Bharat' initiative, a 'Healthy India' program, aimed at addressing the sanitation needs of communities in nine remote villages across four districts in Maharashtra was launched today.
The programme, jointly launched by tyre manufacturing company Goodyear India, and International Association for Human Values (IAHV), is focused on robust awareness campaigns on issues related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), village cleanliness drives and the construction of household toilets.
"The vision of the project is to create open defecation free communities in nine villages across districts of Amravati, Washim, Satara, Ahmednagar and Jalna by 15 April," Dilraj Bedi, Board Member, IAHV told reporters here.
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"The villages that will be covered by the project are Dhanora, HiwaraRohila, Jaigaon, Pimplalgaon Turk, ShirasgaonBodka, Khandaviwadi, Kadaki, Edlapurand Nandra. 642 toilets have been built in the nine villages towards the vision of creating an open defecation free communities," Bedi added.
IAHV was created in Geneva in 1997, as a global platform for humanitarian initiatives that solve problems by uplifting human values.