Teacher Sudam Bhoi of Budharaja High School was held yesterday following an FIR lodged by student Akash Tripathy's mother Manjula Bisi, inspector-in-charge of Aainthapalli police station P K Patnaik said.
Refuting the charge levelled against him, Bhoi said Akash,
a student of Class-VIII, uttered filthy words at other students three days back and after they complained against him he only shouted at the student and dissuaded him to do so.
"I had only shouted and tried to dissuade him from using
filthy language. I had not beaten him up as alleged," Bhoi said.
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The head mistress of the school, Baijayanti Nayak, said
she came to know about the incident after being informed by the student's mother.
"I will look into the matter and do whatever is necessary", she said.
The teacher was later granted bail, Nayak said, adding further inquiry was on.