Senior BJP leader Radhay Shyam Sharma was today elected unopposed as the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the South Delhi Municipal Corporation, who soon after taking charge said, the civic body will have a "zero-tolerance" approach towards corruption.
Sharma said "we will work for transparency and good governance for benefit of citizens of Delhi and for providing better services to them."
"We have to work for revenue enhancement in property tax, parking outdoor advertisement and other areas. The emphasis will be on completing pending projects in time-bound manner providing dustbins in the market, promoting schemes like NEEV in education sector and timely delivery of services to citizens," he said.
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He added that SDMC will ask the Delhi government to release its pending grants of Rs 700 crore to the corporation immediately.
"We will not tolerate any kind of corruption at any level. For better delivery of services e-governance will be promoted further. Our project of 'Open Gym' will be further extended to all the 104 wards in this year and programme of using drain water after purification in park will be further extended to all eligible areas," Sharma said.
Speaking on the occasion, Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay said that the standing committee is the most powerful body which looks after issues related to the public, so there is a strong need for time-bound delivery of services and transparency in our acts so that image of the corporation will be further improved.
BJP councillor Parveen Rajput was also elected unopposed as the Deputy Chairman of the SDMC's Standing Committee.