Market regulator Sebi today said it has inked a pact with its counterpart in Bangladesh to enhance investor protection and creating effective securities markets in both the countries.
The pact will help in promoting "further development of economic links and cooperation between the two signatories and aims at enhancing investor protection and creating conditions for an effective development of securities markets in the two countries."
"Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on bilateral cooperation and technical assistance," the regulator said in a statement.
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The pact was signed by Sebi's chairman U K Sinha and chairman of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission M Khairul Hossain yesterday.
Sinha said that Sebi has been actively engaging with the securities market regulators in the SAARC region.
He also mentioned about the continuing co-operation between Sebi and BSEC and noted that the MoU will further facilitate training and technical assistance program between the two jurisdictions besides strengthening relations.
In the past, Sebi has signed 20 bilateral pacts with a number of countries. India is a signatory to multilateral MoU of International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
In order to encourage the exchange of information and assistance, Sebi has been signing pacts with the jurisdictions who are yet to become a signatory to the multilateral MoU of IOSCO.