To help generate low-cost funds for renewable energy ventures, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is considering allowing listing of a new type of entities named ‘YieldCos’ that have become very popular in the US.
The proposed norms are likely to be discussed by the Sebi’s board soon, sources said.
The regulator might first issue draft regulations, on which comments would be sought from all stakeholders before deciding the final norms. The proposed new regime would also require other regulatory changes, including by the Reserve Bank of India and the tax department, sources added.
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A 'YieldCo' is a publicly listed company that is formed to own assets that generate a predictable cash flow, primarily through long-term contracts.
In this model, the cost of capital is lowered by separation of volatile assets like development, research and construction.
The model, which has already been gaining ground in the US and some other markets, is used in the renewable energy sector to protect the investors against regulatory changes.
Under this model, the investors get the annual returns like a dividend and the capital remains invested for the long term.
Besides, there are tax incentives to make this model attractive.
In the past couple of years, billions of dollars have been raised by American and European companies through IPOs of YieldCos, which are first spun off from their main business and then get listed separately.
According to a USIBC report, there may be opportunities to explore the YieldCo dividend model specifically for Indian smart cities.