Markets watchdog Sebi today ordered two firms -- Dhanolty Developers and Servehit Housing and Infrastructure -- and their directors to refund money that they raised illegally from investors within three months.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has also barred the firms and their directors from the capital markets for four years.
A Sebi probe found that these companies were running Collective Investment Scheme (CIS), without obtaining regulatory approval. They were accepting money from public through their respective "sale/purchase and development of plot/land".
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In case, the firms fail to comply with the order, Sebi would initiate proceedings against the companies and their directors.
Besides, the regulator said the firms and their directors will continue to be barred from the securities market for four years and the ban will continue "till all the CIS are wound up and all the money mobilised through such schemes are refunded to its investors with returns which are due to them."
Also, it would make a reference to state government, local police and register a civil or criminal case against these firms.