Markets regulator Sebi has embarked on a recruitment drive inviting applications for 147 senior-level executives as part of its plan to beef up its headcount for faster and more effective execution of its role.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) plans to recruit legal as well as IT experts, researchers, and other officials for general administration.
A total of 147 vacancies have been notified for Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager) by the markets watchdog.
Candidates can apply for the posts through online mode only and the application window is opened from March 7-23, the regulator said in a notice.
Applications have been invited for 80 posts of Assistant Manager for general stream, 34 posts for research stream and 22 vacancies for Information Technology department. In addition, it has invited applications for engineering and official language streams.
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For applying to general stream, the incumbent needs to have a Master's degree in any discipline or Bachelor's degree in law or engineering.
This comes at a time when the government has extended the tenure of Sebi Chairman Ajay Tyagi by six months.
Sebi is a statutory regulatory body established by an Act of Parliament, to protect the interests of investors in securities, to promote the development of and to regulate the securities market.