Dissidence in BJP over nomination of former MP C P Radhakrishnan as candidate for the Coimbatore Lok Sabha constituency in the April 24 polls came to the fore when nearly 100 party workers, led by district president, began a hunger strike seeking replacement of the candidate.
As soon as the candidature of Radhakrishnan was announced, district BJP president Nandakumar and over 100 workers came to the party office began an indefinite fast, seeking his replacement with state secretary G K S Selvakumar, who unsuccessfully contested in last parliamentary elections.
Top BJP leaders alleged that Nandakumar and his supporters were protesting under the directives of RSS, since Radhakrishnan has never turned up for its functions for the last several years.
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Since Tirupur was allotted to its its alliance partner DMDK, Radhakrishnan, a two-time MP, was given Coimbatore seat.
When contacted, Nandakumar, denying any RSS involvement in the agitation, said the issue was taken to the notice of party Tamil Nadu unit President Pon Radhakrishnan, who, he said, would decide amicably.